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Conferences and Sessions Chaired


Dept. of Civil & Environmental Eng. ♦ Rice University
Houston, TX 77251-1892
Tel: (713) 348-5903 ♦ FAX: (713) 348-5203
E-mail: alvarez@rice.edu

Conferences and Sessions Chaired

2007 4th Leading Edge Conference on Water and Wastewater Technologies, International Water Association (IWA) –Program committee, session and workshop chair. Singapore, 7/07.
2007  Nanotechnology-Enabled Water Treatment (NEWT) Workshop. Co-chair. Houston, 2/07. C.V. of P.J.J. Alvarez 17
2006  22nd Annual International Conference on Soils, Sediments and Water- Oxygenates Session. Amherst, MA 10/06
2006 The Fifth International Conference on Remediation of Chlorinated and Recalcitrant Compounds, Reductive treatment with nZVI Session, Monterey, CA, 5/06.
2005 3rd European Bioremediation Conference – Chania, Greece, CA, 7/05.
2005 Battelle 8th International Symposium on In Situ and Onsite Bioremediation– Biobarriers, Baltimore, MD, 6/05.
2005 3rd Leading Edge Conference on Water and Wastewater Technologies, International Water Association (IWA) –Program committee, session and workshop chair. Sapporo, Japan 7/05
2004 CONCARIBE 2004 Environmental Engineering and Science Conference –, General Secretary, Cartagena, Colombia, 5/04.
2004 The Tenth International Symposium on Microbial Ecology (ISME-10)- International Convener, Bioremediation Session, Cancun, Mexico, 8/04.
2003 2nd European Bioremediation Conference – Chania, Greece, CA, 6/03.
2003 Battelle 7th International Symposium on In Situ and Onsite Bioremediation– Biobarriers, Orlando, FL, 6/03.
2002 12th International Biodeterioration and Biodegradation Symposium –Biodegradation of persistent compounds session, Prague, Czech Republic, 7/02.
2001 First European Bioremediation Conference– Petroleum hydrocarbons bioremediation session, Chania, Greece, CA, 7/01.
2001 Battelle 6th International Symposium on In Situ and Onsite Bioremediation– Session D-10: Interactions between Microorganisms and Fe(0) in PRBs, San Diego, CA, 5/01.
2000 NGWA/API Petroleum Hydrocarbons Conference – Session II: Gasoline Oxygenates: Ethanol, Anaheim, CA, 11/00.
1998 ASCE Specialty Conference, Technical Session on Reductive Treatment of Hazardous Wastes with Zero-Valent Iron, Chicago, IL, 6/98.
1997 27th IAHR Congress, Technical Session on Groundwater Remediation and Risk Management, San Francisco, CA 8/97.
1997 NSF-CMS Workshop, Group Mentor, for Junior Faculty from Underrepresented Groups, Washington, D.C., 9/97.
 1996 North-Central GSA Sectional Meeting, Research Symposium on Geomicrobiology, Ames, IA, 5/96.



Environmental Impact Studies

Preliminary Environmental Review and Development of Environmental Evaluation Guidelines for Prince Rupert Bay, Dominica. Prepared for the Department of Regional Development and Environment, Organization of American States. Washington, D.C. May, 1991.

Environmental Impact Statement: Peacekeeper Rail Garrison Program.

Prepared for United States Air Force, Norton AFB, California. June, 1988.

Environmental Planning Technical Report for Water Resources. Small Intercontinental Ballistic Missile Program. Malmstrom Air Force Base, Montana. Prepared for United States Air Force, Norton AFB, California. December, 1987.


Alvarez P.J.J., B.A. Till, L.J. Weathers, G.F. Parkin, and J.L. Schnoor, “Iron-based bioremediation of aquifers contaminated with mixed wastes”. US 6,719,902 B1, April 13, 2004.

Schnoor J.L., P.J.J. Alvarez, and M.A. Anderson. “Enhanced plant growth due to application of nanoporous thin films comprised of nanoparticulate oxides” (Pending).

Invited Lectures

Date Location Host Organization  Title/Description
2/07 Durham, NC Duke University Environmental impacts of fuel alcohols
1/07 Ann Arbor, MI University of Michigan Ethanol in fuel: groundwater quality implications
12/06 Managua, Nicaragua Universidad Centroamericana (UCA) Nanotecnologia ambiental
11/06 Washington, D.C. EPA/ORD Fullerene-bacterial interactions
11/06 Copenhagen, Denmark Technical University of Denmark Environmental nanotechnology
10/06 Amherst, MA U Mass Microbial impacts of fuel ethanol
9/06 Houston, TX Baker Institute, Rice Groundwater impacts of ethanol
9/06 EL Paso, TX UTEP Environmental nanotechnology
8/06 Bogotá, Colombia Universidad de Los Andes Principles and applications of bioremediation
7/06 Tianjin, China Nankai University Fullerene micro-ecotoxicology
6/06 Tianjin, China UAM Nanotechnology and environmental engineering
6/06 New Hampshire Gordon Conference Biodegradation of organic compounds
5/06 Medellin, Colombia Universidad Nacional de Colombia Fitorremediacion
4/06 Ann Arbor, MI University of Michigan Fullerene ecotoxicology
3/06 Valencia, Venezuela Universidad de Carabobo Environmental implications and applications of nanotechnology
2/06 Tempe, AZ Arizona State University Environmental nanotechnology
11/05 Pachuca, Mexico Universidad Politecnica de Pachuca Bioremediation and natural attenuation
10/05 Washington, D.C. EPA Nanomaterial-bacterial interactions
9/05 Managua, Nicaragua MARENA Cleanup of gasoline contaminated aquifers
9/05 Washington, DC ESTCP Bioaugmented iron barriers to treat RDX contaminated aquifers
6/05 Sapporo, Japan IWA Emerging pollutants and treatment approaches
5/05 Toulouse, France Université Paul Sabatier/ Laboratoire de Genie Chimique Iron-based bioremediation of oxidized groundwater pollutants
5/05 Aix-En-Provence Centre Européen de Recherche et d’Enseignement des Géosciences de l’Environnement (CEREGE) Emerging hazards and water treatment needs
3/05 Urbana-Champaign, IL University of Illinois Bioremediation: startups and upstart