Journal Papers 1990 – 2000
[1 – most recent papers] [2 – 2001-2010] [3 – 1990-2000]
21. Gülensoy N. and P.J.J. Alvarez* (1999). Diversity and correlation of aromatic hydrocarbon biodegradation capabilities. Biodegradation. 10:331-340.
20. Alvarez* P.J.J., R.C. Heathcote, and S.E. Powers (1998). Caution against interpreting gasoline release dates based on BTEX ratios in ground water. Ground Water Monitoring and Remediation. Fall, 69-76.
19. Till B.A., L.J. Weathers, and P.J.J. Alvarez* (1998). Fe(0)-supported autotrophic denitrification. Environmental Science and Technology 32(5) 634-639.
18. Alvarez* P.J., L.. Cronkhite, and C. Hunt (1998). Use of benzoate to establish reactive buffer zones for enhanced attenuation of BTX migration. Environ, Sci. Technol. 32(4) 509-515.
17. Corseuil H.X., C.S. Hunt, R. dos Santos Ferreira, and P.J.J. Alvarez* (1998). The influence of the gasoline oxygenate ethanol on aerobic and anaerobic BTX biodegradation. Wat. Res. 32(7) 2065-2072.
16. Jordahl J.L., L. Foster, J.L. Schnoor, and P.J.J. Alvarez* (1997). Effect of poplar trees (Populus spp.) on microbial populations important to hazardous waste bioremediation. Environ. Tox. and Chem. 16(6):1318-1321.
15. Weathers* L.J., G.F. Parkin, and P.J.J. Alvarez (1997). Utilization of cathodic hydrogen as electron donor for chloroform cometabolism by a mixed methanogenic culture. Environ. Sci. Technol. 31 (3), 880 -885.
14. Kovacs P.E., P.J.J. Alvarez*, and R.L. Valentine (1997). The Effect of static magnetic fields on biological systems: Implications for enhanced biodegradation. Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology. 27(4), 319-382. A. B.
13. Schnabel W.E., A.C. Dietz, J.G. Burken, J.L. Schnoor, and P.J.J. Alvarez* (1997). Uptake and transformation of TCE by edible garden plants. Water Research, 31 (4) 816-824.
12. Alvarez*, P.J.J. (1996). Caution against the inappropriate use of analytical fate and transport models to estimate the age and risk of petroleum product releases. Ground Water Monitoring and Remediation. Spring, 72-76.
11. Vermace M.E., R.F. Christensen, G.F. Parkin, and P.J.J. Alvarez* (1996). Relationship between the concentration of denitrifiers and Pseudomonas spp. in soil: Implications for BTX bioremediation. Water Research. 30 (12) 3139-3145.
10. Miller* C.M., R.L. Valentine, M. Roehl, and P.J.J. Alvarez (1996). Chemical and microbiological assessment of pendimethalin contaminated soil after treatment with Fenton’s Reagent. Water Research. 30 (11) 2579-2586.
9. Corseuil H.X., J.R. Aires, and P.J.J. Alvarez* (1996). Implications of the presence of ethanol on intrinsic bioremediation of BTX plumes in Brazil. Haz. Waste Haz. Mat. 13 (2): 213-221.
8. Corseuil H.X and P.J.J. Alvarez* (1996). Natural bioremediation perspective for BTX contaminated groundwater in Brazil. Water Science and Technology. 34(7-8): 311-318.
7. Helland B.R., P.J.J. Alvarez*, and J.L. Schnoor (1995). Reductive dechlorination of carbon tetrachloride with elemental iron. Journal of Hazardous Materials; 41: 205-216.
6. Alvarez*, P.J.J. and T.M. Vogel (1995). Degradation of BTEX and their aerobic metabolites by indigenous microorganisms under nitrate reducing conditions. Wat. Sci. Technol.; 31: 15-28.
5. Alvarez*, P.J.J., P.J. Anid, and T.M. Vogel (1994). Kinetics of toluene degradation by denitrifying aquifer microorganisms. ASCE J. Environmental Engineering.; 120: 1327-1336.
4. Anid, P.J., P.J.J. Alvarez, and T.M. Vogel* (1993). Biodegradation of monoaromatic hydrocarbons in aquifer columns amended with hydrogen peroxide and nitrate. Water Research; 27: 685-691.
3. Chen, Y.M., L.M. Abriola*, P.J.J. Alvarez, P.J. Anid, and T.M. Vogel, (1992). Biodegradation and transport of benzene and toluene in sandy aquifer material: model-experiment comparisons. Water Resources Research; 28: 1833-1847.
2. Alvarez, P.J.J. and T.M. Vogel* (1991). Substrate interactions of benzene, toluene and para-xylene during microbial degradation by pure cultures and mixed culture aquifer slurries. Applied and Environmental Microbiology; 57: 2981-2985.
1. Alvarez, P.J.J., P.J. Anid, and T.M. Vogel* (1991). Kinetics of aerobic biodegradation of benzene and toluene in sandy aquifer material. Biodegradation; 2: 43-51.
[1 – most recent papers] [2 – 2001-2010] [3 – 1990-2000]